Coming Clean

Some of you who are reading this are praying for the return of a “prodigal spouse.”

I was one once, you know? A prodigal spouse. A wanderer. And now, it humbles me to wash the feet of those who are waiting in this wilderness.

4th of July weekend, 1999. I started coming clean. After wallowing in the slop and stench of my sin for several years, something in me…no…SomeOne in me sat up and looked around,

Because someone like you was praying for me.

I saw my sin. Muddy. Thick.

And, while I still don’t really know how God raised me up from that mire and set my feet running toward home, He did. 




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4 Responses to Coming Clean

  1. Cheri says:

    Thank you for this post of Hope…
    This picture of you…is priceless.

  2. Colleen says:

    Right around that time Dale and I were praying for a good friendship for me. Little did we know that the Lord had a wonderful person named Penny just waiting around the corner. First He needed hearts that were ready to do the impossible. He needed clean vessels to pour out His love and give us a renewed spirit ready to do whatever was His will! We never saw a godly friendship coming, we just knew that we wanted and needed something different in each of our lives… something different than what life was offering. Twelve years later, our friendship is going strong. The first simple step, obedience!!!! Love you, Friend. Colleen

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